Baby Sign and the Sign of the Times
When Angie was pregnant she told me she had been reading about baby sign language and was going to teach it to her twins. I knew she had taken two years of ASL in college, as one of her languages, but I thought baby sign was a fad and she would never have the time to teach it and take care of two little babies. Well I got to be wrong with this one. What a gift sign language has been, Zoe and Eddie are still just learning to make vocal sounds but have quite a vocabulary of signs. The first picture shows Zoe asking for something to eat, she followed it up with an English word that sounded like pwtpa, which turned out to mean pretzel.
The second picture is Eddie telling me there is a bird flying by. Though it looks like he is pointing he is actually making the beak sign that means bird. Zoe is "reading" or "hearing" his comment. He is totally fascinated with birds, and even though a man of few words in any language he will always tell you about the birds.
Another sign of the times: Angie and I gave the babies both a trim. Zoe's is almost unnoticeable, we only trimmed her original little topknot but Eddie lost all his baby curls. We did pretty good,here's his after picture.
And the final sign of the times for this blog, here's a picture of stage one of Angie's first (and maybe only) tattoo. In a couple weeks the color will be added.
I goofed and called it a griffin but she said it is a chimera, to stand for change.
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