Sunday, April 18, 2010

Right Handedness

Sorry for the long quiet time, I guess I needed some thinking time and quiet grieving time.

My birthday has come and gone yeah hooray.  I got cards from AARP, the Scooter Store and the Hard of Hearing Clinic.  How many ways can we say OLDER than dirt???

Well, I finally got the carpal tunnel surgery on my right hand after months of having to postpone it.  I bet they were wondering if I was one of those kind of people.  This brought home to me that I am neither ambidextrous nor am I sorta right or left handed.  I am a dominant right handed person. 
I had to close my eyes in order to brush my teeth with my left hand.  I had to have help putting on my sneakers and bra.  Those were the normal to be expected type of problems what surprised me was how often I was brought to a standstill by my inability to do something with my left hand.  I NEVER pick up my purse with my left hand.  Apparently I pick up everything with my right hand.  I open doors with my right hand, I even close doors with my right hand.  How do I know these things?  Well, my hand hurts every time I try to use it.

True cross dominance is apparently rare, however a lot of lefties appear ambidextrous because they had to learn to do some things with their right hand because I guess -- they had to.  A lot of people teach themselves to be ambidextrous for sports.  Weirdly enough, my side stroke is left hand dominated I wonder if the person who taught me was a leftie.

This has to be a short post.  I'm writing it with my left hand and spend most of the time backspacing to clear the incorrect keys.  More later.

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