Thursday, August 27, 2009

Catchup Post

I attended a tech conference this month and we spent a lot of time on social networking.  We were challenged with re-activating blogs, twitter accounts etc.  So I decided to reactivate the blog.  I didn't realize it had been so long since I had posted.
So to catch up.
Well, too many things have happened since then to go into a lot of details but as a single woman professional working in a non-profit I find myself now supporting my daughter and my "grand twins". She lost most everything in the economic and emotional crisis last year and is slowing putting her life back together.

I love having her and the twins with me. Sometimes we don't realize how lonely we are until we aren't. It's a delight to have them come upstairs every morning to wake me, and their giggles delight me.

On health issues  I'll quote my grandfather. "If I'd known I was going to live this long I woulda taken better care of myself."

I'll try to cover a few of the interesting things of the last half year in the next few posts.

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